The Street > The Lounge

Smartphone or GoPro for lazy filming?

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Im far from a videographer, but I would take a look at the fps. Imagine that the smartphones suck on that account. My samsung note edge films quite well, but for bmx? Who knows

iPhone 6 has 60 fps at full resolution, 1080p HD and 240 fps in slow-mo. That's crazy good for a phone.


Phones are pretty amazing in 2015.

As with anything, good lighting and composition makes the most difference.

I just bought a Sony Xperia Z3 compact. Fact is I think iPhone 6's and most phones today are too fucking big. I use the internet and my phone a ton, but there's no way to be subtle with a 5+incher.

Anyways this Sony is nice enough, it's waterproof, 20+ megapixel photos and shoots a 4K video. Expandable memory which yo iPhones will never have, and nice if you film lots and enjoy music or whatever.

This is all first impressions, but as someone who's used an iPhone since gen-4S I'm really liking this Android, customizable homescreens and widgets and shit. Takes some getting used to, but Go, Google, Go.


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