The Street > The Lounge

landlord issues/renovations to my apartment (help)??

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There should be a tribunal/ombudsman for this kind of thing BUT if you live in a crack den, ain't nobody gonna help you.

Tony Harrison:
It is probably an implied term regardless of the contract that the landlord must give you 24 hours notice before entering the property as this would amount to the landlord impeding on your exclusive possession of the property.

I don't really see what remedy you could seek here. As the work has already started, you can't ask them to stop because you will still be without a washroom.

It might be worth trying to negotiate a reduced rent payment for next month due to the disruption, starting any legal proceedings would probably prove to be  costly and even more of a disruption than this current problem.

In essence, buy some earplugs and a washbowl.

I'd make them give me a free market month of rent. They need to at least give you a heads up.


--- Quote from: ginger on March 25, 2015, 04:13:48 PM ---ombudsman
--- End quote ---

Such a weird word to adopt from Swedish, up there together with Smorgasbord.

Anyway; If you live with like 10 other dudes the landlord must have given at least one of your crackhead-chums a notice, no?

I think moped is also of Swedish origin.


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