The Street > The Lounge

landlord issues/renovations to my apartment (help)??

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Sorry but this is hilarious to me.

I can only imagine what was running through your mind as you get home to find everything in shambles.

Hi, law student in England (So don't take my advice as being completely right because your in Canada). Look through your residential agreement, if you don't have it, your landlord/letting agency should be able to provide you with one. Look for something along the lines of landlords obligations to the tenant. It should say something along the lies of if your house is un-liveable/in disrepair then the landlord will reimburse you for the money and find you alternative accommodation. Also they almost always require notice to come into your property, which again will be in your residential agreement.

Good Luck! hopefully it dosen't take too long to sort out!

(again, this is only advice and if you want to actualy take any proceedings dont rely on it! usually some solicitors offer a 15 minute free advice service or if you have a citizens bearu they can help)

Piss on your landlord to establish dominance.

Sooooooo, probably safe to say you don't have a traditional lease agreement?

After reading your last post, all I have to say is 'Good Luck'. Youre going to need it. There is some type of board or committee or something that handles landlord/tenant disputes. Did you sign a lease or have any paper trail at all as far as rental agreement/rent goes? Also, LL is supposed to give 24 hours notice before they are allowed to enter, as others have said. In Ontario, the LL can pretty much put whatever they want in the lease, but if any of it is contradictory to the Tenant Act it is more or less meaningless(pets, security deposit, etc). Give these guys a call and see what your options are :

Even if you dont have a traditional lease, you still have rights. From the sounds of it though, this guy is a bit of a slumlord, so once again, good luck.


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