The Street > The Lounge

Middle name my child.

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"The ginge"


--- Quote from: Anything Else on March 26, 2015, 04:28:04 AM ---Isn't LeonLikesToRock's legal middle name danger?

--- End quote ---

Yes, it is the only middle name that counts and would truly be a blessing for any child's middle name. If you wanted to go for a middle name that doesn't count (ie isn't Danger) my suggestion would be to borrow a name from a faraway culture that you have absolutely no connection to. When the child one day asks about it you give them a stern look and can tell them in a low voice "We don't talk about middle names in this family".

McDonald's, subway, pizzahut, etc, provided it comes along on a slow news day you're pretty much guaranteed some tv time and free food.

Failing that, Brutus, deathshead, rage, the merciless, apocalypse, etc are all nice.

Awesome. So that he/she can sai I am awesome

Dr. Steve Brule:


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