The Street > The Lounge

Middle name my child.

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--- Quote from: Anything Else on March 26, 2015, 04:28:04 AM ---...
My friend gave his daughter the middle name Steingraeber, after Mike Steingraber, pro flatlander.

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no way. that is ludicrous.



--- Quote from: Anything Else on March 26, 2015, 04:28:04 AM ---My friend gave his daughter the middle name Steingraeber, after Mike Steingraber, pro flatlander.

--- End quote ---

are you from melbourne?


--- Quote from: ginger on March 25, 2015, 04:10:28 PM ---I want the middle name of my upcoming child to be representative of someone who has done good int his world. I'm looking for some ideas. Don't know if it's a boy or a girl.

--- End quote ---

everyone that has said Bacon deserves a high five. I've named one of my cats that, after Francis Bacon. it's slightly more masculine but would also suit a girl - has a bit more of a postmodern feel to it.

having a name that resembles food is cool as fuck. if it was a girl you could consider Curry, after Marie Curie.

Personally, I'd just go with the classic "Fuck".


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