The Street > The Lounge

Middle name my child.

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Also, (not too sure it's smart for me sharing this), i think double barrel first names are cooler than the classic first-middle-surname. what's the difference you ask? FUCK YOU that's what. double barrel names only make sense when used together

if i had two boys, i'd name one Storm Herald (he can go by Herald in day to day lives) and the other Courage Wolf. because courage wolf is how i'd want people i bring up to be like.


--- Quote from: ediotism on April 02, 2015, 12:44:49 PM ---Courage Wolf.

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Is there a better gay porn name than this?

Anything Else:

--- Quote from: ediotism on April 01, 2015, 01:24:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: Anything Else on March 26, 2015, 04:28:04 AM ---My friend gave his daughter the middle name Steingraeber, after Mike Steingraber, pro flatlander.

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are you from melbourne?

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I lived there for a few years. I'm still serving my sentence back in Bendigo at the moment.


As in come along now bort

Slambone is a strong name.

Slightly off topic, I know a person who's real birth last name is Sackrider.


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