The Street > The Lounge

Cheap Bob Bars!

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i get the feeling the animal we all know and love has been no more for a while now

Prodigal Son:
There was a lil article on Dig a while back about this.


--- Quote from: dude... on April 19, 2015, 10:27:54 PM ---i get the feeling the animal we all know and love has been no more for a while now

--- End quote ---

I've had similar feelings, but have hoped I'm wrong... Oh well, not much to do about it either way.

The Brawn:
He's been off the Team page for months now. This is no surprise to most people. He had that interview in Dig talking about the bars and him and Ralph not seeing eye to eye but didn't elaborate.

The Brawn:

The reason the bars got discontinued was that Animal wanted to do the bigger ones and they wanted to use my name on them and I said no, so when they got made I told them they can not do mine anymore, I thought the bars were fine the way they were. Just some bullshit really. I would like to remake them as Skapegoat bars but I don’t really want to go that route and be a bike company because it never seems to work out well for people who choose that. Obviously the politics with me and Animal goes a lot deeper than that but that is the simplest way I can explain it.


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