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General election

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first time I've paid any attention to just pisses me off. enough to actually vote!


--- Quote from: Kinchy on April 26, 2015, 05:23:36 AM ---Hoping for a Labour/SNP coalition as Labour aren't going to get a majority.

--- End quote ---


As for Thatcher, large swathes of the country do hate her but it was a while ago.

The three main parties have largely been operating under an economic neo-liberal consensus since the '80s. When Blair became Labour leader he dropped Clause IV, the part of the Labour constitution which basically referred to its aim to redistribute of wealth. A lot of genuine lefties (who almost universally despise Thatcher) find it very difficult to identify with the current Labour party, mainly because of its move to the centre. 

Hank Chinaski:

--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on April 26, 2015, 01:59:29 AM ---I have no idea who I'd vote for next year. The GOP candidates are fucking morons and Clinton is a crooked bitch.

--- End quote ---

I feel the same way.  Hillary is more of the same in the worse sense of the phrase.  I don't like these political dynasties, they're all so tied into the corporate side, the money, backroom deals, etc.  I can't think of one thing Hillary has done in recent times that went against the grain or made me think she's anything more than another puppet.

Fuck the Tory bastards, they're in power here and every institution we hold dear in this country is being dismantled policy by policy.

Steven Harper can kiss my black ass.


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