The Street > The Lounge

General election

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Good luck, you poor bastards.


--- Quote from: MEAT on May 10, 2015, 11:43:41 AM ---Dooooomed, dooomed, save yourself, unfortunately I was off on holiday (on pa-pa's yacht) so didnt get to vote. The nhs is costing us vastly more than it should, like most public services, due to the ridiculous upside down management structures and levels of bureaucracy, it needs to be run more like (but not as) a business.

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The NHS is one the best and most cost effective healthcare systems in the world. Fuck anyone who wants to "restructure" it.


--- Quote from: LeonLikesToRock on May 10, 2015, 06:01:03 AM ---If your country goes to shit (as many of you seem to think it will) and the exchange rate goes down think of how many of us antipodes will be flying over there for our working holidays in your dark, wet and genuinely depressing corner of the world. Just think, after a hard days underpaid work a British gentleman will go down to his local only to be greeted with "G'day moite, which wannnaya shit beers can oii get yah?"(Good evening sir, may I get you a beverage?) then get bullied about the latest English loss in cricket. The expression "choice as, bro" will eventually creep its way into the Queen's English. Think of the real cost Brits, think of the future. You will probably never see British hospitality staff again... Dark dreary days ahead for you guys. I suppose you'd be used to that though.

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More likely you will find an influx of whinging poms turning up down under to complain its too hot...


Since the election of the LNP, Australia has once again become nothing but a colonial outpost owned by you lot. For Mother England!


--- Quote from: G on May 11, 2015, 08:44:40 AM ---
More likely you will find an influx of whinging poms turning up down under to complain its too hot...


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Give us a yell when you're in town haha.


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