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General election

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in my humble opinion it was labour who lost it rather than the tories who won it

i remember seeing ben milliband and thinking he was different to the usual shower of cunts but lo, he gets stabbed in the back and replaced with his brother who appears to of had a stroke

so what were the options?

lib dems - uni fees
greens - is that a vote for ukip?
ukip - i fucking despair
tories - 8bn nhs pledge? where's that come from? are we still in austerity? double dip recession? i don't know

when i broke my arm a few years ago i went to the royal london in east london, i was in physio for a few months with the same guy but different buildings over the course of time. it started out in the old building which looked like a mental asylum like you see in films with loads of staff helping lots of people. during this time we moved to the next and new building which was about four times the size and facilities for each physio and looked like the inside of a space ship. i remarked to my physio how lucky he was to have it to which he replied they were halving the staff leaving the ones who stayed with bonkers work loads. still, totally worth it to have another manager or two on board yeah?

One of our smaller local hospitals did that recently,  then remembered they have patients to treat so hired back ALL the same staff, doing about 20% less hrs, on a contract basis, which means they're paid about 50% more. They aren't complaining.

Also a lot of my work for the last few years has been re-graphic designing perfectly functional stainless surgical tools, good for a few k uses, into relatively expensive single use plastic stuff, because the nhs logistics and sterilisation services are so monumentally useless, it's cheaper to bin stuff than risk the 20% loss/breakage rate they suffer when they try and get stuff cleaned.

they probably think it's cheaper than getting sued every so often

Hank Chinaski:
Just on the subject of hospital waste, I work in the ER and 100% of everything we use is disposable except for tooth extraction trays, chest tube insertion trays, the "blades" you use to intubate people, and the actual drill for putting IVs into bone (everything used except the actual drill is disposable).  Every scalpel, every pair of tweezers, forceps, wound stapler, blood pressure cuff, oxygen sensor, etc to infinity is disposable.  Even the pillows we have are one time use.  I've got no clue how it can be cheaper to throw everything away than to clean and reuse it.


--- Quote from: Hank Chinaski on May 15, 2015, 03:07:20 AM ---Just on the subject of hospital waste, I work in the ER and 100% of everything we use is disposable except for tooth extraction trays, chest tube insertion trays, the "blades" you use to intubate people, and the actual drill for putting IVs into bone (everything used except the actual drill is disposable).  Every scalpel, every pair of tweezers, forceps, wound stapler, blood pressure cuff, oxygen sensor, etc to infinity is disposable.  Even the pillows we have are one time use.  I've got no clue how it can be cheaper to throw everything away than to clean and reuse it.

--- End quote ---

see above


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