The Street > The Lounge

General election

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Prodigal Son:
When someone says conservative do you guys auto evoke a Thatcher state? I fucking dread when people insist on the glory days of Regan and American exceptionalism and conservatism.

I will be watching this thread to learn about UK politics... It's interesting to see how things are done over there. I do like the idea of forming a true coalition government who may actually represent more than one viewpoint.

--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on April 26, 2015, 01:59:29 AM ---I have no idea who I'd vote for next year. The GOP candidates are fucking morons and Clinton is a crooked bitch.

--- End quote ---

Backed 100%. I may just vote for Gary Johnson again to show my support for him, and not check a box for the democrat/republican establishment.

Coalitions rarely express multiple viewpoints, it's just one side fucking the other with a giant strap-on for 3-4 years because they know they need the numbers in the senate/house.

Dr. Steve Brule:

--- Quote from: ginger on April 27, 2015, 01:29:52 AM ---Coalitions rarely express multiple viewpoints, it's just one side fucking the other with a giant strap-on for 3-4 years because they know they need the numbers in the senate/house.

--- End quote ---

Pretty much the same as the UK.

I haven't got a clue to vote for to be honest. I was thinking Labour or Green but really need to have a proper read of all the main policies of the parties I guess.


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