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General election

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--- Quote from: Bristow on April 28, 2015, 07:47:05 PM ---
If people want change, don't vote, if enough people do not vote the government would be forced to change their tact. I realise this will probably never happen, but what do people expect. You don't take down the premier league by switch clubs from Man City to Chelsea. If you still pay the tickets, you're contributing to the problem.

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If everyone didn't vote it might work, but they wont so it wont.

The only reasonable option is to vote AGAINST the worst plan, and that's the Tories. Currently you mostly need to vote Labour to stop this. If the SNP get a lot of the previously Labour seats then the Conservatives will still be the party with the most seats and will get first shot at forming a government. If they get LibDem support and UDP etc then they might just make it, and Scotland will have fucked us all over for the sake of what? What are the SNP even for anymore? They had their referendum and the Scots (very sensibly) said they didn't hate the English (and Welsh and Northern Irish) quite as much as they like to pretend and that leaving the UK wasn't worth fucking themselves over for... So what is the SNP's purpose now?.
Personally I would be very happy to have a Labour SNP coalition with no Trident replacement etc, but the Tories have done a cunning bit of propaganda to block that...

Please vote, and please vote AGAINST the Tories.



--- Quote from: G on April 28, 2015, 05:15:20 PM ---Sorry my head just exploded, what fucking country have you been living in for the last 5 years?

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--- Quote from: Bristow on April 28, 2015, 05:15:20 PM ---Thank fuck for G. What happened to the rest of you? Thought BG was full of cynical old gits.

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I have no more to add apart from fuck UKIP, fuck David Cameron and thank fuck the BNP no longer exists as a statistic. I might just vote green party for a giggle.

It's easier to persuade Tory voters that it's not worth voting than it is to persuade them to vote otherwise so that's my plan at the moment

Voting in the UK sounds very similar to canada. Usually it's just best to vote against the worst case scenario. I'd vote NDP if jack Layton hadn't passed away. Now I'm just hoping that Harper gets voted the fuck out at the next election.

Well, I'm voting conservatives like usual.


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