The Street > The Lounge

General election

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I don't think conservatives have fucked us over that hard, England is better than it was when they came in. What it comes down to is the devil you do know is better than the devil you don't.

Really? Beginnings of privatisation of the NHS, dismantling our welfare support for the most vulnerable, recession recovery only affecting the richest, no deficit targets hit, no reduction in borrowing, higher education fees, complete fuck up of the education system by Michael Gove, welfare to work programmes that have only reduced unemployment on paper and not in real life, and increasingly pandering to UKIPs far right ideologies.

I would say they have fucked us over.

Dr. Steve Brule:

--- Quote from: Kinchy on May 01, 2015, 01:21:09 AM ---Really? Beginnings of privatisation of the NHS, dismantling our welfare support for the most vulnerable, recession recovery only affecting the richest, no deficit targets hit, no reduction in borrowing, higher education fees, complete fuck up of the education system by Michael Gove, welfare to work programmes that have only reduced unemployment on paper and not in real life, and increasingly pandering to UKIPs far right ideologies.

I would say they have fucked us over.

--- End quote ---


I see it more as saving money within the NHS and saving money on welfare support. It should never be better to stay on benefits than go into work. Living in London I don't want to vote labour because of the 'mansion tax' which is basic a tax on London. The conservatives have done a pretty good job here. And since London taxes prop up the rest of the UK economy, a recovery in London is what is most important.

Luketom your bullshit detector seems to be malfunctioning mate

wish we could just leave london to it's own devices, or at least let us have a scouse state of our own. UKs fucked


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