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General election

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that's the tory way!

Dr. Steve Brule:

You sound like a proper right wing twat. I hope you get fucked over no matter who gets in power, selfish as they come by the sounds of it.


--- Quote from: LukeTom on May 01, 2015, 05:59:13 PM ---Perhaps what you are saying is right, and perhaps if labour did not want to introduce a 'mansion' tax I would side with you and in fact I would quite like to, I do believe allot of what labour is putting forward. But like I said, no matter how much I believe, the conservatives are offering me £3k a year for the next 4 years for my vote. No amount of political idealism is going to argue with that.

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So although pretty much the first thing they did when the coalition got in was to up VAT from 17.5 to 20% (which probably cost you a couple of grand) and put up tuition fees by many thousands (which might effect you if you are at Uni or planning to go), and put the stamp duty up (which you were also complaining about). That possible new 3k is the real killer?

What about when you come to try to get on the housing ladder yourself? I very much doubt you will be able to buy in London unless you are very very well paid, but even elsewhere in the country you are going to struggle thanks to the coalitions various policies which have driven up house prices even further from their already ludicrous levels, and represent about the only economic growth we have seen under them.

Tory policies are full of rampant short-termism. They abandon any long term goals like a well educated population, affordable housing, etc, in favour of quick political gains now, sell off utilities, sell off council houses, cut the top rate of tax, dismantle the steel and coal industries etc etc.

People moan about Labour selling off the gold "cheap" (when most other developed countries were doing exactly the same) but the Tories pissed away the north sea-oil revenues on smashing up the steel industry and coal mining just to weaken the unions. At least with Labour we got new schools and hospitals, the Tories left us with Poll Tax riots and a collapsing education and health system, and a new "service industry"...



--- Quote from: G on April 28, 2015, 05:15:20 PM ---Scrap a replacement for Trident

--- End quote ---

Yeah that's an odd one, what is it 150 bn, on a doomsday machine? Though I don't really feel qualified to make a judgement, it could be it's actually holding Russia etc from marching on teesside.
If that budget included the new subs they're planning that would make some sense, they have at least some practical uses than just ending the world, also their construction would all be in the UK too I think.


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