The Street > The Lounge

General election

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Our budget included new subs and the Tory pricks won a bunch of South Australian senators on the election promise that they would build them in SA shipyards, creating thousands of new jobs and maintaining a bunch of existing ones. In typical Tory fashion, everyone got fucked over and the contract is now going to Japan.

Japanese fucking submarines for the Australian Navy.

Yes, but all of these policies were a nation wide scheme, not specifically affecting me, unlike the mansion tax, it feels like its pertaining to a very specific part of society. To be honest, Conservatives have kept me and my family well. Would labour be better? Perhaps, perhaps not, but I'm not planning on chancing it, like I said, the devil you know is better than the devil you don't. And Ginger, yes I am voting selfishly. I'm not loosing my house because I have some misplaced sense of moral responsibility to the country. Fuck that, I'm looking after myself just like everyone else in this country, I suggest you get off your moral high horse and do the same

I'd rather have morals and 3k less p.a. than vote for a bunch of soulless cunts, thank you very much.

If you think Milliband or 99% of politicians aren't soulless cunts then you are deluded.


--- Quote from: Kinchy on April 27, 2015, 06:12:11 AM ---There is a policy comparison website, asks you a bunch of questions and tells you how much you line up with each party

--- End quote ---

Based on the one I used I suppose I should be voting Lib Dem really, I got 50% for their policies, 30% labour and 20% conservative. Is lib dem still a "wasted vote" though? Suppose it's one against UKIP so that's something.


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