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General election

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The 'wasted vote' idea is a load of shit invented by the big two parties to stop people voting for smaller parties.


--- Quote from: LukeTom on May 04, 2015, 07:04:03 PM ---Fuck that, I'm looking after myself
--- End quote ---

I'm willing to bet that touching sentiment would even stir a flicker of life in the lump of coal that resides in the chest cavity of your ham-face overlord.


--- Quote from: _tom_ on May 05, 2015, 11:08:24 AM ---
--- Quote from: Kinchy on April 27, 2015, 06:12:11 AM ---There is a policy comparison website, asks you a bunch of questions and tells you how much you line up with each party

--- End quote ---

Based on the one I used I suppose I should be voting Lib Dem really, I got 50% for their policies, 30% labour and 20% conservative. Is lib dem still a "wasted vote" though? Suppose it's one against UKIP so that's something.

--- End quote ---

It's a wasted vote in the sense that their manifesto may as well be written in disappearing ink and hidden at the end of a rainbow. Got in power and toadied up to Cameron, turning their backs on everything that made anyone vote for them in the first place. They're almost worse than the Tories. At least the Tories don't try and pretend that they're not cunts, which is about the only thing approaching respect I can offer their way.

I think the Tories could of done a lot worse had they had a majority. Lib Dems could have done a lot better than they did though

Dr. Steve Brule:
Working in a university everyone was rallying around to get everyone to vote Lib Dems on the promise of lower uni fees. They got in bed with the Tories and fucking TRIPLED them. Absolutely mind boggling.

If you're unsure just vote Labour. None of us are earning enough to be the demographic of the Conservatives.


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