The Street > The Lounge

General election

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Tory = cunt = conservative = typically white middle aged men.

Prodigal Son:
Ahhh I see. I was thinking that it wasn't an actual party but more a PAC (or your equivalent). Thanks guys.

The turn out will be interesting, I don't think it is at all predictable.

Shame people don't vote for the policies they actually want.
This is an interesting map showing how people would vote if it was purely on policies.


--- Quote from: Kinchy on May 05, 2015, 12:01:15 PM ---The 'wasted vote' idea is a load of shit invented by the big two parties to stop people voting for smaller parties.

--- End quote ---

Its more a result of the way the country is split into seats that are then counted as units. Ironically the Libdems managed to negotiate a referendum on changing this system, but as with all their negotiations with the Tories they made a massive arse of it and only ended up with a choice between what we have now and an AV system which was a shitty compromise that failed to win. Its Ironic, because it looks like the results at this election will be pretty terrible for the Libdems but much better than they would have been if we had got proper proportional representation...

With the system we have, about the best you can do is vote AGAINST the worst case scenario, but in most seats a vote for the Green party (for example) is pretty much a wasted vote and has the potential to let in the cunts you didn't want....


Dr. Steve Brule:


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