The Street > The Lounge

General election

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--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on May 05, 2015, 08:19:17 PM ---What's the definition of Tories?

--- End quote ---

lower than vermin

Will be so fucked off if the Conservatives get back in, cant bare to watch them fuck us up the arse for another 4 years. Labour are the best (least bad?) of a bad bunch, i've always voted green in the past but that was more out of protest than anything else but i'll be voting Labour just to try get those pricks out.

Lo Pan:
I'll be casting my vote toward whoever happens to be the most friendly toward labor unions. In the U.S. that's usually democrats.

saw this today, summed up the tories for me

Tell you what, the thing I'm going to miss most once this is over is Nigel Farrage (despite being a bellend) touring every pub in England for a pint and a ciggie.


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