The Street > The Lounge

General election

<< < (17/24) > >>

Goodbye Farage, will be a different landscape without him, cant really believe UKIP got so much of the vote, but only a single seat

Miliband should have handed over to Alan Johnson last year.

Massive shame, wonder what the country will look like at the next election?

Things really have the grim of an outlook for you guys?

FIVE fucking years, not four!

I cant believe Labour made such a bad job of getting the message out that the whole SNP scare mongering was bollocks, all the polls up to the last minute had it 50:50 which would have been fine, and then clearly a lot of dick-heads bottled it for some reason as they walked to the polls.

At least their majority is very very slim, with a bit of luck some marginal seats will need by-elections and we can escape a full 5 years. If only we had the power to recall MPs... Within a few years of austerity-plus at least the immigration issue will be less controversial as we will all be wanting to fuck off to Albania etc...



No; the outlook is not that grim. People here are die hard labour supporters and that's why they are so fucked off. No one was predicting such a big win for the conservatives it just shows that the majority of people do trust the conservatives and want to keep them in government. So much so that they have improved on last year and are now running a majority.


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