The Street > The Lounge

General election

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people are fucking idiots thats why. i am not a fan of labour at all, but fuck the tories

The outlook is not grim, it's heinous.

At least Farage has fucked off.


--- Quote from: Cole on May 08, 2015, 07:51:51 AM ---Things really have the grim of an outlook for you guys?

--- End quote ---

No not at all, this board doesn't really give a fair representation of the electorate as the Tories got in, and there's only two of us on here who have posted saying we support them so that says it all.

I spoke to many Tory voters who had no clue about Tory policy beyond 'snp and Labour are bad'

I agree that the board is not representative of the uk population, but it must also be said that nor is the current electoral system. Kinchy, that is pretty much word for word what the Murdock press has been spouting.


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