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General election

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my mother is a doctor of early years education and according to her this is the worst possible outcome. everyone in her field (and education in general) is staunchly anti tory for what michael gove has done and it's only going to get worse.
i work in a part of the murdoch media empire (though not for him) and a lot of his employees are pissed.

Gove fucked the school system, problem is that we won't see that for 15 years when we churn out a load of improperly educated people.

Politicians give zero fucks about the education system because their kids go to private

Kinchys got this thread on lock.

What's a fair representation anyway when you're dealing with a bunch of power hungry eaton boys?



--- Quote from: Kinchy on May 08, 2015, 12:21:10 PM ---I spoke to many Tory voters who had no clue about Tory policy beyond 'snp and Labour are bad'

--- End quote ---

Exactly this.

Conservatives are claiming they will cut £12billion from Welfare, but are only outline how they will cut £2billion of this. I shudder to think where the extra £10billion will come from, Tories obviously realise how toxic these cuts would be to voters and have kept them under wraps as not to lose votes.

Why would anyone vote for them if they don't know where they financially stand? It's incomprehensible to me. 

Or, in fact, they aren't going to save £12bn, they were just lying


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