
Author Topic: General election  (Read 69586 times)

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Offline amishrob

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Re: General election
« Reply #90 on: May 09, 2015, 02:30:28 AM »
my mother is a doctor of early years education and according to her this is the worst possible outcome. everyone in her field (and education in general) is staunchly anti tory for what michael gove has done and it's only going to get worse.
i work in a part of the murdoch media empire (though not for him) and a lot of his employees are pissed.

Offline Kinchy

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Re: General election
« Reply #91 on: May 09, 2015, 07:07:57 AM »
Gove fucked the school system, problem is that we won't see that for 15 years when we churn out a load of improperly educated people.

Politicians give zero fucks about the education system because their kids go to private
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Offline RAILS!

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Re: General election
« Reply #92 on: May 09, 2015, 10:59:00 AM »
Kinchys got this thread on lock.

What's a fair representation anyway when you're dealing with a bunch of power hungry eaton boys?

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Offline Bristow

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Re: General election
« Reply #93 on: May 09, 2015, 01:35:18 PM »
I spoke to many Tory voters who had no clue about Tory policy beyond 'snp and Labour are bad'

Exactly this.

Conservatives are claiming they will cut £12billion from Welfare, but are only outline how they will cut £2billion of this. I shudder to think where the extra £10billion will come from, Tories obviously realise how toxic these cuts would be to voters and have kept them under wraps as not to lose votes.

Why would anyone vote for them if they don't know where they financially stand? It's incomprehensible to me. 

Offline Kinchy

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Re: General election
« Reply #94 on: May 09, 2015, 04:09:05 PM »
Or, in fact, they aren't going to save £12bn, they were just lying
Quote from: Broady;3529439
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Offline G

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Re: General election
« Reply #95 on: May 09, 2015, 06:10:42 PM »
No; the outlook is not that grim. People here are die hard labour supporters and that's why they are so fucked off. No one was predicting such a big win for the conservatives it just shows that the majority of people do trust the conservatives and want to keep them in government. So much so that they have improved on last year and are now running a majority.


Labour are pretty crap, no argument. They have made an arse of this campaign, totally failing to stand up to the stupidity of the Tory policies and just toning them down for their own manifesto. Austerity is BULLSHIT. It DOESN'T WORK.

Look at Greece. Sure they made some fucking stupid decisions in the past, but they have done what the ECB wanted for years, cut everything to virtually nothing and it has just fucked them deeper into the hole they are in.

But all the major parties were saying how they would keep on with Austerity and cuts and reducing the deficit like its the answer to everything. When what we need is INVESTMENT.

The reason the Tories won the election is that fuckwits listened to the Murdoch press, they totally failed to understand that the SNP bogey-man shite was bollocks. And as they walked to the polling stations a lot of cowardly little cunts who had said they would vote Labour, bricked it. They liked their subsidised over 65's savings plans, and the guarantee of no tax increases and their avoidance of mansion tax and death-duties. Never mind that this all has to come out of the very fabric of society and will cause a massive jump in crime and poverty and child suffering. They were OK jack and fuck everyone else, and anyway Scottish people wopuld be in charge... They would have blocked a Trident replacement would they? How the fuck would they do that if the Tories voted for it? They wanted it right? So when Labour brought it to the house why the fuck would they need any support from the SNP when they had the entire Tory party voting for it? When Milliband said he wouldn't form a coalition with the SNP he meant it, he had no need to, he could easily have governed as a minority. Just because the Tories couldn't doesn't mean he couldn't, the thing is that most of the other parties would have just backed them on a bill by bill basis, whereas the Tories would have been fucked without the Libdems in their pocket.

So yes. Labour are a bit shit. But a bit shit is better than ludicrously corrupt and self-serving. The Conservatives have bribed the over 65's with a 4% savings plan that all us younger working people are going to have to pay for in the next few years. They are bribing the higher rate tax payers with a higher threshold etc, and everyone benefits from a higher lower rate threshold too, we all win YAY.

Are you really so fucking stupid that you think they can cut everyone's taxes, promise not to raise any new taxes, AND cut the deficit without fucking the country into the ground? When you fall off your bike and go to the accident and emergency in a few years, and it is run by G4 using day release sex offenders as porters and the long term unemployed as nurses and the first thing they need to do is swipe your credit card you are going to wonder what the fuck is going on. Its simple, the man who's family made their money from slaves and government hand-outs will be lying in a bath of money he made letting all his mates cherry pick the NHS and taking a massive shit because he cant believe how stupid people are.... 

On the face of it, I will be better off by about 3 grand a year because of this government, but in reality it will cost me a lot more than this in the long run, and I would rather my children grew up in a civilised society...

Oh, and remember this. In three years time Boris will take over as PM. You know harmless bumbling old Boris, with his great common sense policies that make you feel warm and fluffy. Nice red buses, more cycle lanes, a nice new estuary airport for everyone, but while he is bumbling about and keeping the press busy debating this trivia, he will be fracking under your house and shafting all the public services to death. NHS split into a million pieces so the Unions are gone, Schools all privatised and playing fields sold off for housing for his mates to build shitty houses on and make a huge profit (but not Eaton obviously). in fact, kids can probably leanr all they need at home from their computer so why bother with physical schools at all?

Thatcher squandered most of the north sea oil revenue on smashing up the miners and the steel workers, by simply destroying those industries. Now Cameron and Johnson will carry on her work and destroy the teaching and nurses unions by destroying the school system and the NHS.. and it will be the fault of all these selfish cockheads who voted Tory!

THIS is why I am pissed off, not because I am a "die hard Labour supporter" but because I have seen the Tories do this shit before, and it sucks. It took us 15 years to recover from Thatcher, that's why there was no money left. But it was improving, crime rates were down, waiting lists at hospitals were down, school class sizes were down, schools wern't crumbling lumps of crap and temporary classrooms understaffed and with a massive shortage of teachers.


Sorry for the rant...

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Offline amishrob

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Re: General election
« Reply #96 on: May 10, 2015, 02:18:57 AM »
gove as justice secretary, man has a solid reputation for success, what could go wrong?

Offline Dr. Steve Brule

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Re: General election
« Reply #97 on: May 10, 2015, 04:20:28 AM »
gove as justice secretary, man has a solid reputation for success, what could go wrong?

Yeah, jesus christ, what a ridiculous idea.

Big up to G, that's pretty much my sentiment also.

Offline LeonLikesToRock

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Re: General election
« Reply #98 on: May 10, 2015, 06:01:03 AM »
If your country goes to shit (as many of you seem to think it will) and the exchange rate goes down think of how many of us antipodes will be flying over there for our working holidays in your dark, wet and genuinely depressing corner of the world. Just think, after a hard days underpaid work a British gentleman will go down to his local only to be greeted with "G'day moite, which wannnaya shit beers can oii get yah?"(Good evening sir, may I get you a beverage?) then get bullied about the latest English loss in cricket. The expression "choice as, bro" will eventually creep its way into the Queen's English. Think of the real cost Brits, think of the future. You will probably never see British hospitality staff again... Dark dreary days ahead for you guys. I suppose you'd be used to that though.
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Offline MEAT

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Re: General election
« Reply #99 on: May 10, 2015, 11:43:41 AM »
Dooooomed, dooomed, save yourself, unfortunately I was off on holiday (on pa-pa's yacht) so didnt get to vote. The nhs is costing us vastly more than it should, like most public services, due to the ridiculous upside down management structures and levels of bureaucracy, it needs to be run more like (but not as) a business.

Offline ginger

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Re: General election
« Reply #100 on: May 10, 2015, 06:19:49 PM »
Good luck, you poor bastards.
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Offline medusa.cascade

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Re: General election
« Reply #101 on: May 11, 2015, 04:00:55 AM »
Dooooomed, dooomed, save yourself, unfortunately I was off on holiday (on pa-pa's yacht) so didnt get to vote. The nhs is costing us vastly more than it should, like most public services, due to the ridiculous upside down management structures and levels of bureaucracy, it needs to be run more like (but not as) a business.

The NHS is one the best and most cost effective healthcare systems in the world. Fuck anyone who wants to "restructure" it.

Offline G

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Re: General election
« Reply #102 on: May 11, 2015, 08:44:40 AM »
If your country goes to shit (as many of you seem to think it will) and the exchange rate goes down think of how many of us antipodes will be flying over there for our working holidays in your dark, wet and genuinely depressing corner of the world. Just think, after a hard days underpaid work a British gentleman will go down to his local only to be greeted with "G'day moite, which wannnaya shit beers can oii get yah?"(Good evening sir, may I get you a beverage?) then get bullied about the latest English loss in cricket. The expression "choice as, bro" will eventually creep its way into the Queen's English. Think of the real cost Brits, think of the future. You will probably never see British hospitality staff again... Dark dreary days ahead for you guys. I suppose you'd be used to that though.

More likely you will find an influx of whinging poms turning up down under to complain its too hot...

G-Sport. Making the worlds finest BMX parts since 1994.

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Offline ginger

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Re: General election
« Reply #103 on: May 11, 2015, 06:20:41 PM »
Since the election of the LNP, Australia has once again become nothing but a colonial outpost owned by you lot. For Mother England!
Quote from: Christopher T.;3571083
When I was a virgin, I thought sex should mean something. Then I had sex and realized it is all about how awesome it is.

Offline LeonLikesToRock

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Re: General election
« Reply #104 on: May 12, 2015, 04:21:19 AM »

More likely you will find an influx of whinging poms turning up down under to complain its too hot...


Give us a yell when you're in town haha.
Hangovers and trains - Bike maintenance for BMX'ers

Re: General election
« Reply #104 on: May 12, 2015, 04:21:19 AM »



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