Definitely rad to hear about the Clutch, but I'm almost more excited about the Dugan pedals.
G, Any idea what the MSRP is going to be for them?
Not exactly but it should be very typical, nothing startling.
We should have Pleg2 sleeves, doing the inserts on their own seems a bit weird...
Clutch hubs are being assembled now and should be shipping to the US any day, so I would expect them to hit US shops late July (assuming no more port problems etc). I will put up some internal details etc and probably make the odd video to explain how it differs from a standard hub just before they hit the shops. We do have a US patent filing in progress but I still dont want to give other brands too much time to try to rip it off. The differences are subtle mostly, but make a huge difference to function.
Dugan pedals are hopefully in the final stages of development. (for the die-hard metal pedal brigade) Yes, I have a beautiful set of aluminium ones (with steel pins) that I particularly love which are 95% finalised, as well as the plastic ones which are similarly advanced and being ride tested too.
Not sure where we are with LHD socket drive cranks, pretty sure they should be happening by now.

What options will the Clutch have in terms of it's axle? Will it be either male or female?
So far I think it is Female only and slightly unusually it is full 14mm on the non-drive side and 3/8" with a 14mm shoulder on the drive-side. Before you go WHATTT!!!! There is a very good reason for this. The full 14mm is obviously better, but on the drive-side, using the standard engagement thread, there is no way to go bigger. So on the drive side it has to be 3/8". However the 3/8" female is a lot stronger than a standard 14mm male would have been. So I simply went with what was "best" regardless of symmetry (because after all you wont see it anyway).
Look at it this way. If you had a wasting disease, and one of your legs was all fucked up and weak, but you could still walk on it really well, and you favoured the other leg for serious stuff... you wouldn't fuck over your good leg just so it matched would you? No. You'd just hide it inside your trousers and get on with shit... same exact thing...
And of course, both bolts will use the same 17mm socket to tighten etc. The only weirdness is if you run pegs both sides, in which case you might prefer to have a 3/8" version on the drive side (though obviously a 14mm with an adaptor would work too)

I wish Odyssey would make flatware stuff again
I wish more people had bought it so we could...
