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Road trip through germany/netherlands help


Germany/Netherlands trip help.

So me and two buddies are thinking about going from Copenhagen to Munich and fly back. Trip would be 5 days long.
We ride vert/old-school parks with boxes and bowls and perhaps dirt unless they are massive, absolutely no street.

Anyone got any good tips for parks/spots on the way that we can check out? Using now, which seems to work fine. So far Mellowpark and Eindhoven skatepark are the ones that stands out for me. Please assist.

I've moved from the Netherlands to NRW in Germany, which is the german part directly bordering the Netherlands, so my suggestions are limited to this part of Germany. That being said:
- Wicked Woods in Wuppertal (DE) is a cool indoorpark, 99% quarters, a jumpbox, foam pit and a huge pool
- Halle 59 in Cologne (DE) is another indoor park, also has a bowl, but smaller, and more emphasis on the street section but should still be a fun stop, as a bonus there are dirt jumps across the street
- You said no street but the University of Düsseldorf is like  giant skatepark with brick quarters everywhere. They placed skatestoppers (read bricks) on the best quarters but theres plenty left to ride. In addition there is a cool outdoor skatepark, iirc build by campramps, in Düsseldorf as well.
- The Promise in Heerlen (NL), another indoor park, build by camp ramps, this one in the Netherlands, 20 minutes over the German border
- There is an indoorpark in an old church in Arnhem (NL), not sure what their policy on bmx is though
- Cool outdoor concrete park including a pool with a cradle in Zutphen (NL)
- Skateland in Roterdam (NL), another huge indoor park, used to be the only indoor park with a vert ramp in it.
- Soulcycle park in Velsen Noord (NL), private small indoor, kinda ghetto, lots of fun, invite only but hit me up and I'll arange you an invite, I'm close friends with the guy who build it.
- Last but not least if you do make it to the Düsseldorf - Cologne area come and visit me in Leverkusen if you like, I know I'm biased but man we've got some awesome dirt jumps! ;)   

Edit: I didn't include Amsterdam, a huge park / street plaza is supposedly on the drawing board but as of yet to be honest I don't think it's necessary to visit Amsterdam to have a good time riding-wise in the Netherlands (you should still visit it though, in Mokum ben je rijk en gelukkig tegelijk!). If you do want to ride, there's a huge bowl, the Marnixbowl. There's also a huge concrete park with a sick bowl that's definitely worth visiting in the town next to Amsterdam, Zaandam, my hometown. the parks called A8 because it's located under highway A8.


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