The Street > The Lounge

Weird Habits

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Is there anything you benders have kinda programmed into your being? Something your parents told you that was probably bollocks but you still do right now?

My mum told me that you have to pretend to spit when you see a solo magpie, like in the one for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl and four for a boy rhyme. I still do a pretend spit to avoid the curse. Anybody else got anything weird?

My parents are Korean so they believe in this thing called fan death.
I grew up whole heartedly thinking that if the fan faces me all the oxygen will be blowed away from me so I'd suffocate. Even though I know all that is untrue, it still bothers me a bit to sleep with a fan on at night.

I absolutely cannot sleep on my stomach. I toss and turn a lot in my sleep so I always thought I'd suffocate cause my face would be covered by the pillow. One night I was like let's get over this and slept on my stomach, had sleep paralysis and never tried it again.

I guess they're not really habits but just ticks.

Can't sleep with socks on

More to come.


--- Quote from: BilboBaggins on May 13, 2015, 10:13:29 PM ---Can't sleep with socks on

More to come.

--- End quote ---

YES!!! The worst feeling ever.

If you have anything set to an odd number I will burn your house down. TV volume, phone volume, thermostat, air con, anything, don't care.


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