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Gamer tags?

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'bitch you ain't no nerd? I coulda sworn you was.'


--- Quote from: MilkyWilky on June 02, 2015, 05:03:16 PM ---'bitch you ain't no nerd? I coulda sworn you was.'

--- End quote ---

hahah hope this is a reference to Unforgivable, my favourite web video "series"

Dragging this up, just got a PS4 (finally).

Playing Elder Scrolls Online until Fallout 4 comes out, anybody else on?

still the same, SliceableQuill5 on xbox 360, one, and now on ps3 as well

Awe yeah nice to see some fellow gamers ! Steam id Cellmember I'm on quite a bit, catch you guys on there ! Can't wait for FO4 either though no skill system WTF....

Pc master race here.  :P


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