You whinging cunts have probably never seen triple figure emails in your life, shit happens and long lead times are common in many industries.
Anyone who has worked retail or has a work related email has. Fuck, even dudes with game probably have haha. Delays are common in heaps of industries - for sure. Understandable and acceptable (but not good) for wholesale. Not good practice in retail though.
It is not uncommon for retailers to put lead times for products on their ordering page, especially if it is more than a week. When people are ordering something that is made to order or is from a small shop they tend to be pretty understanding - if they are told in advance. Some guitar builders have a wait list over a year, that is all made clear on their site. If it isn't clear (or even said at all) it is unreasonable to treat customers like that.
In my experience with Couch there was a delay in one instance but he let me know and kept me in the loop, which is fine in my books.