The Street > The Lounge

Ninth Street Trails under water again

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--- Quote from: thatotherguy84 on June 15, 2015, 07:15:27 PM ---Sucks how much a place can change in just a few years. I remember back in 08 with nightriders, v-club, and half the mutiny team living in Fort Worth, a shop would have done great.

I wouldn't even know what to do with a shop on Magnolia Street besides hang out at the Chatroom and smash hipster broads.

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i remember the glory's not bad these days, private trails! Also I live about an 8 minute bike ride from the magnolia area, come party! I live with mat Olson, and we are about 15 minutes from the trails.

Gotta be careful at the Chatroom they got popped last year for underagers lol

Private trails do sound dope. I'll try and come ride street, probably will be just riding a park since I have the old lady in tow with me.

That doesn't surprise me about chatroom, I used to go drinking there and 7th heaven all the time when I was in high school haha


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