The Street > The Lounge

Annual who still posts on BG thread.

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Oh hai.


--- Quote from: MEAT on May 30, 2015, 04:02:50 AM ---
--- Quote from: Boomhauer on May 29, 2015, 02:31:55 PM --- mashing my face on a roof gap to rail
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---and had my lock clipped and bike stolen a couple days ago

--- End quote ---
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, made my day honestly

--- End quote ---
It's worth the ban to let you know that you are a true piece of shit A++, kindly go fuck yourself.

Boomhauer: and there's the weakest angle of it.


good to hear you aren't too fucked up after that, also shitty to hear about your bike being stolen.

Nothing like feeding a couple teeth through the ol lips and eating through a straw for a while :)


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