The Street > The Lounge

Annual who still posts on BG thread.

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Yesssssssss! Got my wheels, cranks and sprocket back!

Prodigal Son:
These parts just surfaced from your whole stolen ride?


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on June 17, 2015, 07:56:57 PM ---These parts just surfaced from your whole stolen ride?

--- End quote ---
Yep, rode into the parking lot where I work right when I showed up.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
In the old days of BG there would already be a thread about that church massacre in South Carolina and it'd be ten pages long already.

No one cares about racially motivated crimes in America at this point. Just like elementary school shootings. When they happen once a month, they're not a big deal anymore.

Get your shit together America.


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