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Apparently it's harmful whether or not it includes nicotine, not as bad as smoke though. The main issue is that the liquids are completely unregulated so there is no restrictions on what goes in.

I used one of the original ones that looked like a  cigarette and you bought cartridges rather than liquids, definitely useful in me giving up smoking but my chest felt worse after using one of those all night than it did after smoking

Congratulations on giving up doing something mind bendingly stupid and replacing it with something only mildly shitty... maybe with time you will have enough will power to quit that too...


I thought vapes were to help you quit smoking. Sounds like a lot of people are getting pretty financially invested in them

Not claiming that it's completely healthy, but it's better than smoking.

Hugh, the only reason I spent that much money on one was for the availability of parts, went with some more popular brands that I can buy stuff for anywhere. The store I was in yesterday, the guy had a vape that he was about 300 into, and his wife had one that she was about 250 in to. But, they were both ex smokers, and they were super pumped when I told them I'd stopped smoking for a while now, and were very eager to help me out with getting something quality together.

There's a lot of different factors when it comes to vapes, and it all depends on how involved you want to get in it. The smaller, cheaper ones I found didn't have a big enough tank, the battery didn't last long enough and the airflow wasn't enough. The second one I had, was a bit better, still a very small tank, but thee battery and the airflow was better. The new one I have, the battery will last a few days, the tank will last hours and hours and the airflow is amazing. To me, it was worth it to spend that much compared to the amount of money id be spending on smokes.

Still not sure why people who aren't smokers got into using vapourizers.


--- Quote from: G on May 31, 2015, 06:24:44 AM ---Congratulations on giving up doing something mind bendingly stupid and replacing it with something only mildly shitty... maybe with time you will have enough will power to quit that too...


--- End quote ---

Coming from someone who posted a pic of themselves riding MTBs without a helmet, I think you just proved we all have wildly varying ideas of "mind bendingly stupid".


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