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--- Quote from: Kinchy on May 31, 2015, 08:59:07 AM ---
--- Quote from: G on May 31, 2015, 06:24:44 AM ---Congratulations on giving up doing something mind bendingly stupid and replacing it with something only mildly shitty... maybe with time you will have enough will power to quit that too...


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Coming from someone who posted a pic of themselves riding MTBs without a helmet, I think you just proved we all have wildly varying ideas of "mind bendingly stupid".

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Obvious Troll is obvious... Suffice to say that wearing a helmet is not as black and white as you make out, and if you want to discuss it more then resurrect the old helmet thread and do it there...


Prodigal Son:
You didn't...

...hit your head??? Did you?


--- Quote from: Hank Chinaski on May 31, 2015, 01:43:48 PM ---I think the point he was making is that you're getting invested in it which generally means you're not viewing it as a means to an end. Now you've spent money on something that was supposed to be a short/temporary thing to quit smoking meaning you're less likely to quit altogether.

As for being unsure why non-smokers vape, same reasons non-smokers start smoking. You were a non-smoker once and started smoking cigs, why did you do it? Friends were doing it, thought it looked cool, just loved having things in your mouth and sucking on them?

I also think vaping is becoming more popular because you can burn hash with some of them and also get "juice" with THC in it. So you can toke in public and look like you're not. Plus it's acceptable to do inside bars so you can still look cool to the ladies sucking that robot penis.

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You're assuming quite a bit about my situation with using a vapourizer. I invested money in it to keep me wanting to use one while I keep off smoking. I tried cold turkey, that didn't work. I tried using the patch, that didn't work. I tried using the gum, that didn't work. I've found a solution that works for me.

I started smoking because I was a young, impressionable 18 year old, and a lot of people I was friends with smoked. It was also a way to get out of doing work with the military. And yeah, throw a thinly veiled gay joke in there, super cool, brah.

No where that I've been to lets you use a vape indoors. In fact, a bill just passed in Ontario (Maybe even Canada, haven't heard too much about it) that regulates it just as much as it does cigarettes and other tobacco products. They've even banned flavoured tobacco. Don't need to look cool for the ladies, since my lady is totally supportive of me in my efforts to kick smoking to the curb.

I got a vape so I wouldn't have to smoke ciggies when I went out drinking. Now I take anywhere from 20-300 hits a day on my vape just because I've ended up becoming dependent on nicotine. It's more of a mild desire than a full on addiction though. I don't fiend for it unless I'm drinking.

Cole, I suggest buying your liquid online at either vapejoose or vapewild. Both offer great prices, and while the general consensus appears to think vapewild is significantly better, I think it's a matter of opinion. I agree with them though. You can get 120mL of liquid for $20, and they offer great support and throw in lots of freebies.

I think I've read some things about the eleaf being a fire hazard so I would do some more research on that if I were you. Right now I'm using a nemesis mech clone and an atty tobh clone. Have you ever tried a mechanical mod?

I've looked into buying liquid online, but it's tough for me, since I'm rarely home. Also, I'm not sure if it's legal to do in Canada now after the recently passed law. Maybe I can buy from Canadian companies, but I doubt I'd be able to "import" it. I'm perfectly content with picking up the liquid wherever I'm at. Although, 120mL for $20 bucks sounds amazing. I think I spent like 32 bucks on 30mL yesterday, but it is by far the best juice I've tried. 

Everything I've read about the eleaf is that it's good. The only thing that may cause an issue is using it while it's charging, or using too low a resistance coil and shorting it.

Looked into mech mods, and I think I could easily build one myself. Just need to figure out the ratio of #of coils to resistance. From what I've seen so far, it seems like 5 coils will give you between .5 and .7 ohms, but before I get into that, I want to start doing some rebuilds on coils. Right now, it's just really convenient for me to use the prebuilt coils given the amount of travelling I do.

Also, I've noticed such an improvement in taste since upgrading to the subtank and istick. That and the cooler hits are making it really enjoyable.


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