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Video games, vaping , and a frs.. sounds like the type of stuff mall employees or gas station attendants are into lol.

But i hear where you are coming from, looking into getting a ~$60 one to hold me over instead of smoking cigs once a day. Don't like the people who call themselves cloud chasers or wear it around their necks. 

Vaping is lame as fuck.


Hank Chinaski:
Vaping is ok in my books as a way to quit smoking, it's better than burning tobacco, and you still get some nicotine to help with cravings while you're stopping.  But the fact you bought a $120 "rig" and want 0 nicotine strawberry cheesecake juice is just the gayest. 

Are there any legit independent studies into whether it's much better than smoking out there, or has any side effects? A mate of mine is a preacher about these vapes and quotes completely biased articles he's more than likely read on or similar. Every article I've read (for and against) seems to have an agenda.

It's not something I'm into at all but each to their own.

Hank Chinaski:

--- Quote from: Danno on May 31, 2015, 03:24:07 AM ---Are there any legit independent studies into whether it's much better than smoking out there, or has any side effects? A mate of mine is a preacher about these vapes and quotes completely biased articles he's more than likely read on or similar. Every article I've read (for and against) seems to have an agenda.

It's not something I'm into at all but each to their own.

--- End quote ---

Studies are lacking but most of the actual carcinogens come from the smoke/burning of tobacco plant. Nicotine is harmful as well but not as much as the actual tobacco smoke. The main dangerous part right now is that "e-juice", the shit you put in there, is completely unregulated so there's stories, anecdotal stuff about all kinds of horrible chemicals being used. I'm sure the vast majority of the shit you buy at some gas station is made in shady Chinese labs along with bath salts, fake pot, and the like. I don't vape or have any close friends doing it but I'm assuming there's companies producing safer, more expensive "e-juice" that's held to higher standards. It's something like a billion+ dollar industry now and there's a lot of ongoing research into long term effects. General consensus seems to be it has the potential to be overall less damaging than cigarettes but of course, nicotine is still a vasoconstrictor and bad for your heart health no matter how you slice it.


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