The Street > The Lounge

Bicycle messengers of BG.

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@Sebastian that is pretty good pay then.


--- Quote from: BilboBaggins on June 23, 2015, 12:28:06 PM ---@Sebastian that is pretty good pay then.

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I should say, that's on a good day, couriering can sometimes be pretty feast-or-famine from day to day.  But yeah, as a guy sharing a place with his girlfriend and no kids, it's a decent living.  As a primary breadwinner for an entire family...yeah, probably not.

That was really insightful chaps, thanks. Read a few bits and pieces in magazines and so on about couriering but your answers were way more comprehensive.


--- Quote from: BilboBaggins on June 22, 2015, 10:46:45 PM ---Adam's all like #OilMoney #OilFieldTrash #OfficeOilOrDIE  #TexasTitties

--- End quote ---
im about to shoot off to alaska once my money pile ends :0

Yeah some of you nearly wrote a book. Really appreciate it.

I don't plan to do this for more than a year really. I just need something to do to save money to pay for more training for a longer term career. It's also been something I've always wanted to try.


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