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Gay Marriage

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The most fucked up thing I have been hearing about this gay marriage ruling is that it "opens the door" for pedophiles (and others like this) to get the same "rights" as gays. Really makes me mad. Homosexualism and heterosexualism are between two consenting adults. Pedophilia, one of the parties 1) is not consenting or 2) cannot legally give consent. Big difference there.

It is super fucked up.

The other fucked up shit is that with the ACA and gay rights being in SCOTUS (and SCOTUS doing a damn good job on both) and with the confederate flag bullshit, everyone has forgotten all about the underhanded shit going on in the government right now/recently (an even shittier version of the Patriot Act going through, TPP being fast-tracked, etc.).

--- Quote from: master on June 27, 2015, 03:18:57 PM ---
--- Quote from: Kinchy on June 27, 2015, 12:56:14 PM ---What does that mean for people who don't know what the amendments are?

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I'm sure that you know that the US Constitution is the highest law, so everything we do must be in line with the intent of the text (not the interpretation of the text, as some politicians like to think).

The 10th Amendment reads: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

This means that if the Constitution doesn't specifically give power to the Federal government on an issue, the States are responsible for that issue. All 50 states have the authority to handle these issues as they see fit, and can handle them in 50 different ways if each state so chooses.

The 14th Amendment is a long one, but the passage of Section 1 applied in this case states: "... No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States... nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The Supreme Court ruled that this passage of the 14th trumped the 10th in this case. This logic, now written as Case Law, can be legally applied in future cases where any person feels that a State's law denies them equal protection and can override State law.

It will be interesting to see how this case law is applied in the future.

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I don't think it will be that big of a deal. This same argument comes up every time something "new" gets added to the constitution. You know there were people bitching about slavery not being in the first 10 Amendments, so maybe that should have stayed a state issue. Or if inter-racial marriage was still against the law. These are clear denials of human rights.

Prodigal Son:
Being soft and 30 I use facebook. There was this image analogous to troops in Iwo Jima but gay dudes raising a rainbow flag. All the right wing people are so upset about a comparison to veterans. There has been a lot of homosexual discrimination that resulted in many deaths of gay dudes. I wish they made a civil war version too. 

^^^^^ I thought that picture was funny. I got a laugh out of it.

Let me start off by saying I don't have a problem with gay marriage. I think the issue for most religious people is that they think it is not the governments job to redefine what they see as a status that originated with religion and Adam and Eve. Separation of church and state thing. I think it's less about rights and more about redefining what they see as a religious term. I mean shit, you need an minister who is ordained through a religious institution to marry a couple. I think what it really comes down to is the benefits that the government gives to married couples. If you gave gay people the same benefits of married couples but called it something different than marriage I don't think religious people would give a shit nearly as much. For most religious people its not about pushing their religious beliefs on others or equality as it is about preserving a biblical definition. I feel like most people who are for gay marriage don't see this side of the debate and the amount of religious bashing and in tolerance of peoples beliefs i've been seeing is ridiculous. Its all about tolerance.


--- Quote from: Han Solo on July 02, 2015, 05:54:53 PM ---Let me start off by saying I don't have a problem with gay marriage. I think the issue for most religious people is that they think it is not the governments job to redefine what they see as a status that originated with religion and Adam and Eve. Separation of church and state thing. I think it's less about rights and more about redefining what they see as a religious term. I mean shit, you need an minister who is ordained through a religious institution to marry a couple. I think what it really comes down to is the benefits that the government gives to married couples. If you gave gay people the same benefits of married couples but called it something different than marriage I don't think religious people would give a shit nearly as much. For most religious people its not about pushing their religious beliefs on others or equality as it is about preserving a biblical definition. I feel like most people who are for gay marriage don't see this side of the debate and the amount of religious bashing and in tolerance of peoples beliefs i've been seeing is ridiculous. Its all about tolerance.

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What makes marriage's definition bound to a biblical thing though? You can't own a word. It may have started with a different meaning but you can't enforce a meaning when the world around you is changing it.

Take idiot. It was once a scientific term for people with exceptional mental handicaps. People throw that word around like it's nothing anymore, cause quite frankly it is nothing.

The N-word is another one. The black community has changed the perception of the meaning of the word drastically. It's still a hot word to say but it's not a strict racial epithet it used to be.

To people who see marriage as a man and woman. It'll always be that way. To people who see it differently. They'll always see it their way. The government's job is to side with the majority of people and in this case no one is truly discriminated. It's not like straight marriage is now outlawed. Hell, there is a Japanese dude who married an online character from a video game, to him marriage is that too. No one may recognize it as real but that ain't gonna change his views.


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