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Gay Marriage

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--- Quote from: Cole on July 07, 2015, 07:24:34 AM ---Because of equality, fuck face. It's like saying "hey guys, you can come to our schools, and businesses and even use our public transit! Buuuuuuuut, you'll need to use different bathrooms and water fountains and also be sat in a different area from the straight people".

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No, its nothing like that. Its like saying; we recognise the history of marriage that it has always been between two people of opposite sexes. Sooooo instead of antagonise a large amount of the population we will give you exactly the same thing, but call it a union instead of a marriage because of the history etc. of that word. If its just the name then why does it matter so much to people?


--- Quote from: LukeTom on July 07, 2015, 07:47:50 AM ---
--- Quote from: Cole on July 07, 2015, 07:24:34 AM ---Because of equality, fuck face. It's like saying "hey guys, you can come to our schools, and businesses and even use our public transit! Buuuuuuuut, you'll need to use different bathrooms and water fountains and also be sat in a different area from the straight people".

--- End quote ---

No, its nothing like that. Its like saying; we recognise the history of marriage that it has always been between two people of opposite sexes. Sooooo instead of antagonise a large amount of the population we will give you exactly the same thing, but call it a union instead of a marriage because of the history etc. of that word. If its just the name then why does it matter so much to people?

--- End quote ---

If it is only a word, why don't the religious folk just go back to calling it בָּעַל (baal), the Hebrew word for marriage? What's the big deal? Why does it matter, if it's only a word? Or are there perhaps connotations to the word marriage, and no matter how equal a civil union is, people still wouldn't hold it in as high regard as marriage?

Also, the history of marriage has not always been between a man and a woman. Often, it was (and still is some places) between a man and a few women.

Calling a gay marriage a civil union to avoid pissing off religious people means the views and beliefs of those religious people outweigh the views and beliefs of other people. That isn't right.

Perhaps they should go back to using the Hebrew word, and it would not surprise me if they did. I don't know if people would not hold it in such high regard as marriage, it comes down to societies view on the whole thing. People who support it would hold it in high regard, and those who don't would not. I think in time when it had been integrated it would be held in high regard.

In the same vein you could say that you could say that the views of the religious people are being outweighed by the homosexuals and that "isn't right"? I just think it would silence allot of people if they had a referendum such as in Ireland, it would truly silence the critics, and would be a better way than simply the government intervening in religion which was my problem with it in the first place. I don't care if two people of the same sex can get married or not, I just think the process which was taken seemed suspect.

What isn't right is when a group decides they can deny people one of the most meaningful events of their lives because they happen to be the same gender.

The views of people should not matter at all when they infringe on the lives of people that have nothing to do with their views.

Let us say, as an example, that you and your friends think it is morally wrong to eat shellfish because shellfish are stated as unclean in your your particular religious text. You see a man eating shellfish. You demand he stop eating shellfish because it is not in line with your religious belief on morally acceptable food items.

Is this acceptable behavior on your part? Should the man stop eating shellfish?

Prodigal Son:
Just as a devils advocate, not furthering the population could've been a biblical reason. Definitely wasn't a disease issue.


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