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Fan Theory (films)

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Yes, but i have a life so im not reading that. Can you summarise it into a few words?

That pixar thing is bollocks.


--- Quote from: MEAT on July 08, 2015, 09:22:51 AM ---Yes, but i have a life so im not reading that. Can you summarise it into a few words?

That pixar thing is bollocks.

--- End quote ---

The theory relies on the (most likely) possibility that Robb legitimized Jon as a Stark and therefore heir to the North before he died. With that in mind the theory goes in depth on how the lords of the North know this and have Robb's will and are pitting Stannis and Roose against each other in order to substantially weaken their forces. Thus making it possible to wipe out whoever is left and place Jon as King of the North

Not buying it, doesn't seem in keeping with the rest of the story line. Dudes a targaryen.

Rhaegar fucked Lyanna and Jon is their kid. Ned got lumped with him after the war as an orphan, not the bastard everyone thinks he is.

I think it's more that Ned was protecting him from the Lannisters


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