The Street > The Lounge

Fan Theory (films)

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My personal fan theory is that Stanley Kubrick put so much bullshit meaning to the Shining to fuck with people. It's the ultimate troll movie.

Also: electric boogaloo

It's a film about the two guys who ran cannon films and is a real hoot and a holla, had a grin fixed to my face the whole film.

Also related: it made me realise that there are a serious lack of boobies in modern films, why?

Americans like violence more than sex :-\

Goddammit, get me the weinsteins on the phone!


Even though it's some kind of fictional land (monsters and such), Lord of the Rings relies heavily on regional and class accents.

Imagine if you changed the accents in Lord of the Rings so that the Orcs sounded posh and the elves sounded cockney. 

Or what if Game of Thrones had American or Australian accents....  "Fantasy" wouldn't be believable.  Which raises an interesting point--people need those stereotypical touchstones based in reality in order to "accept" fantasy.  Even though, the point of "fantasy" could be a completely different world. Why not just make up entirely new accents?


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