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Fan Theory (films)

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Narcoleptic Insomniac:
Or.... British people are fantastic creatures in the literal sense.


--- Quote from: cmc4130 on August 24, 2015, 10:38:07 AM ---
Even though it's some kind of fictional land (monsters and such), Lord of the Rings relies heavily on regional and class accents.

Imagine if you changed the accents in Lord of the Rings so that the Orcs sounded posh and the elves sounded cockney. 

Or what if Game of Thrones had American or Australian accents....  "Fantasy" wouldn't be believable.  Which raises an interesting point--people need those stereotypical touchstones based in reality in order to "accept" fantasy.  Even though, the point of "fantasy" could be a completely different world. Why not just make up entirely new accents?

--- End quote ---

I read a series a while ago called Wheel of Time, it's a 14 book epic, and in it there's an empire from across the ocean. They're described as heavily influenced by feudal Japan. Anyways, after I finished the series I read an interview from the author. He said that those people sounded like they had an accent really similar to a Texas drawl. It fucked with my head.

I'm sorry Billy Zabka, I'm sorry!

Jon Snow is going to be revived by Mellisandre, ala Beric Dondarrion. Then, he'll be relieved of his oath to the Night's Watch and rise as Warden of the North.

He's a Targaryen. Fuck the North, King of Westeros time bitches.


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