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Discussion: US 2016 Elections

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This place is dead. Let's pick it up and argue about some shit that everyone likes to argue about. Politics.

I'll start. The fearless leader of my state, Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, recently announced his presidency with something over Twitter and this video.

Look at that fucking video. Who thought that was a good idea? You can't even see good ol' boy Piyush behind the tree branch.

This guy wants to be president. He has taken Louisiana from a $800 million SURPLUS to a $1.6 BILLION deficit in 7 years. He has gutted health care and education. He is the reason Louisiana was the last state to come around to the gay rights ruling. He went to Brown for biology, became a Rhodes Scholar, and now does not believe in evolution. He once attempted to perform an exorcism on a person. I can't make this shit up. I honestly can't believe he can even talk with all the big business/religion nutsacks he has in his mouth at one time.

Man, I hate this dude. All you U.S. Americans need to register and vote to make sure this piece of dog shit never gets anywhere near a Washington elected office.

Prodigal Son:
Maybe he will go back to Iowa.

I can't believe Trump is out there putting in an effort. Saying some stupid stupid things, just wildin out.

If the right is so crazy about the Clinton "monarchy" but don't apply the same fucking line of thinking to the Bush monarchy.

Fucking Perry is a piece of slimy shit. So is Hilary though.

Rubio is offended by the thought climate change.

There is a damn Canadian running! Trump better break that ass and call the birth certificate issue on Cruz. United States doesn't want him anymore than Canada would take him back.

Scott Walker I think is a small man bent on his power in Wi.

Rand had an interesting economic idea about under 50k and a flat tax. That will never pass by his own hand though.

I don't know much about Sanders.

I don't know why but I sort of like Christie. I think he's probably just as corrupt as any other politician. I feel like my memories of him and balancing NJ may not be 100%. His views on climate change and social issues are nowhere as disgusting as Jindal.

That's as much as I should devote to this right now.

I think that you poor bastards are in for an even worse period of clusterfuckism than when Dubya was in charge. We are also eager for you to an elect a total fucking ditz so you can once again rise to the challenge of claiming Dumbest Leader in the World for the next 4 years.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
It's a freak show for the most part. Fucking Trump climbing in the polls? Fucking hell. He may be the leader we deserve.

Sanders is a fucking baller. He has a super solid voting record and is the best candidate by far (in my middle class, liberal, socialist opinion). I would definitely recommend checking out what he has to say.

He is planning on running under the Democratic banner so he will be in direct opposition with Hilary in the primaries. I really don't like Hilary. She, like almost all other politicians, is a fucking slave to money. It is honestly unthinkable at this point that she will not win: She is super-well funded, she would be the first women in office, she has "experience" (she is very experienced in foreign affairs, I'll give her that) and she is a Clinton. People fucking love Bill Clinton.

I personally think that it is ridiculous that we, as a nation of 300+ million, with only 43 presidents, could potentially have the wife of a past president and the brother AND son of past presidents running this year. How the fuck is that democracy? We essentially have ruling families.

And the people fielded by the Republicans, I mean, come on. Is it really that hard to find one person who kind of normal and possibly even sane? Donald Trump? Cruz? Jindal? Scott Walker???

Rand Paul's tax idea was good and bad. Taxing the lower class less, since they have less, good - they will just put this money back into the economy. Removing loopholes, also good - but this plan doesn't remove as many loopholes as you would expect. Taxing the rich and corporations less? Not good, and would lead to multi-trillion dollars of deficit in a decade unless the government is gutted. His plan favors the rich. It also "favors" the poor with the tax break, unlike almost every other plan out there, so it might actually get him some votes.

Sadly, it is probably the best tax plan to date. It is a step in the right direction.


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