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Discussion: US 2016 Elections

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Hank Chinaski:

--- Quote from: dude... on May 04, 2016, 08:00:58 PM ---reading back through some of condors rational for why trump is a good choice....i feel sorry for you americans who arent complete mongs. trumps gonna happen because your general populous are too stupid to understand the implications and youre all going to have to pay the price. that sucks, im sorry

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Yeah, it's pretty shit.  Trump is really just operating on the fear that small town people have towards other races, sexualities, religions, etc.  He's just saying all the racist, xenophobic shit they've been saying to their buddies behind closed doors.  I grew up in a really small conservative town and the shit I see posted by people I knew, it's really mind blowing.  This place is nowhere near the border, probably 99% Christian and 95% white, and they go on and on about illegals, "muslums", trans people, and all of a sudden they give a shit about Andrew Jackson.  I can guarantee almost none of them have ever met a muslim, ever seen, much less interacted with, a trans person, and I know for a fact illegals are not taking anyone's jobs there.  What gets me most is that these are the people who would most greatly benefit from a more democratic socialist form of government.  Lower to middle class Republicans drive me crazy in that sense.  They're the ones who would be hurt the most trying to pay for college, pay for health care.  Republicans create trade agreements that fuck American workers, they try to bust up unions, they help the companies who robbed American workers of their retirements.  But some cheeto in a wig is spouting hate speech, that's their guy???  It boggles the mind.
What's worse is that we couldn't even get Bernie in there to battle him.  People fucking hate Hillary, I honestly have no idea how she's winning the Democratic nod.  I have a bunch of liberal and democrat friends and I haven't seen one single person who's pro-Hillary.  Now you've got a huge chunk of people who would be voting Sanders who will not vote for the lying, career politician that is Hillary.

the backlash and hate towards trans people at the moment over who can use what bathrooms is fuckin horrible. no time ever has a paedophile used trans friendly bathroom laws to abuse kids. its not a thing that happens (well there is a possibility that it might occur in isolatated cases in the near future, but only as a result of stupid transphobic people going on about it a shitload and putting it into the heads of sick bastards in the first place).
in most cases its gonna cause issues when people get confused seeing a man who is forced to use the womens bathroom because he was born with female genetalia (or vice versa), and then end up further interrogating and harassing the poor person making them explain that they are trans gender and not in fact a sexual predator as idiots have led each other to believe. like trans people havent got enough shit to deal with already ffs.

sorry that was a tangent but i get sick of seeing this kind of stupid shit on the internet. "oh why cant we just keep things simple with 2 genders" who fuckin cares how other people want to identify themselves? it doesnt affect you, let them get on with it, grow up. seems like as the general populous finally starts to come to terms with the fact that its ok for people to be gay, they have to find somewhere else to direct their hate towards alongside the old classics: "people from other religions", and "people who dont look like me".

fuck people [/rant]

Dr. Steve Brule:
They have Gender Neutral toilets at my work now, I think I'm the only person that uses them because no one knows who they're actually for. It's pretty sweet, they don't stink and are always squeaky clean.

We have gender neutral toilets in the sense that if the Men's is occupied, I use the Women's.

Hank Chinaski:

--- Quote from: dude... on May 05, 2016, 02:52:37 AM ---in most cases its gonna cause issues when people get confused seeing a man who is forced to use the womens bathroom because he was born with female genetalia (or vice versa), and then end up further interrogating and harassing the poor person making them explain that they are trans gender and not in fact a sexual predator as idiots have led each other to believe. like trans people havent got enough shit to deal with already ffs.

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I tried explaining this to some guy ranting about trans people and the bathroom, saying they need to use the one they were born to, stating he's going to be watching the bathrooms, making sure no dudes or trans people enter.  I said "You do realize that a trans woman (born with a vagina) will look like a guy.  Wouldn't it make more sense for them to use the bathroom they identify with so it won't cause confusion?  He basically came back with something about how the safety of his kids was more important, just diverted.  Drives me crazy how often people are citing their kids safety as an excuse to be transphobic.


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