The Street > The Lounge

Discussion: US 2016 Elections

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Prodigal Son:
Fucking breeders.

Hank Chinaski:

--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on May 06, 2016, 02:31:59 PM ---Fucking breeders.

--- End quote ---

There's videos of dads "standing guard" at the Target bathrooms, not allowing women to go in while their child is in there.  They're obviously standing there, filming the whole fucking thing themselves, confronting store employees who just want to get back to folding t-shirts.  Nothing like using your child to make some sort of political statement.

Back on the topic at hand.  I think I'm going to vote third party, maybe just chuck a vote the Green Party's way.  I agree with a lot of Libertarian party schtick on social stuff, but they're blind enough on other issues that I won't give them a vote.  I'd probably vote for Bernie if he got the nod, just because he's honest and has consistently been able to get bipartisan support for stuff.  I can't vote Hillary with a good conscience.  The only way I would is if Trump had a serious chance of winning my state, which he doesn't

Prodigal Son:
So this is it! Double digit days til our country can get it over with. No problem whatsoever voting Hillary.

Y'all fucktards are gonna vote Trump in, I can sense it.

Prodigal Son:
Well, at least if that happens the half full approach is the Republican Party implodes. That's a good thing right?


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