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Discussion: US 2016 Elections

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I am morbidly curious to see what would happen if Trump got it...


--- Quote from: Hank Chinaski on May 05, 2016, 12:19:27 AM ---What gets me most is that these are the people who would most greatly benefit from a more democratic socialist form of government.  Lower to middle class Republicans drive me crazy in that sense.  They're the ones who would be hurt the most trying to pay for college, pay for health care.  Republicans create trade agreements that fuck American workers, they try to bust up unions, they help the companies who robbed American workers of their retirements.  But some cheeto in a wig is spouting hate speech, that's their guy???  It boggles the mind.

--- End quote ---

Agreed 100%.  I have never been able to understand why the people who would benefit the most from a democratic run government seem so against everything they stand for.  I just can't put myself in the mindset of someone who is that ignorant to everything around them.

I don't understand why people are acting like hillary hasn't killed/displaced hundreds of thousands of people, openly supported criminalizing free speech (even using false flag/racebaiting bullshit, saying that the benghazi attack happened because of a mean hurtful anti-muslim US-made youtube video, among so much more,)  supported, armed, and protected terror groups/actual genocide/rape/human traffickers...

Ok, trump is a chauvinist, rich, reality tv star...  I'm afraid he's just another actor, fooling people like obama did, but HOW THE FUCK can any of you retards act like he could ever, in any universe,  be worse than the clinton/bush/obama types? Look at his history, then look at theirs. 

Name the absolute worst thing trump has done, or was vicariously responsible for.    Clinton's done much worse on a much larger scale, and you idiots are acting like "the republican" is worse because "he's a racist, sexist bully"

Prodigal Son:
I have no clue how you view that motherfucker as a good representative for the US. If you've gotten over your own hubris of being informed and enlightened, try to do the same for him. His oral communication is as poor as Twitter communiques(which is forgivable I suppose). I can't view him as anything other than an imbecile resting on the social prestige he has.

Clinton, at least we know what to expect. She's middle of the road politician.

It doesn't matter who is elected. The central banks control the world. Best way to positively change our country is to eliminate the central banks, abolish the federal reserve and return to a gold backed currency. Just my opinion.


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