The Street > The Lounge

Discussion: US 2016 Elections

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Prodigal Son:
Isn't he a big natural gas/fracking advocate/investor?

Prodigal Son:
I can't believe all the bullshit that you hear the right say about Obama and there is traction behind Trump. That motherfucker is a corrupt swindling piece of dookie and the conservative right apparently thinks that's okay in favor of the Regan team to re-empower the white man.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on July 12, 2015, 05:06:31 PM ---Isn't he a big natural gas/fracking advocate/investor?

--- End quote ---

And the matter with fracking is?

(I'm biased since natural gas and crude oil companies pay my bills)

I would say fucking up local water tables is a big one, the ability to set your tap water on fire, etc, etc.

I am all for sound science and have no doubt that fracking can be done safely and properly, but is this the case in the real world? If it were, there would be no accidents. Water is too precious to fuck with. There is a big movement against fracking here in Aus...whether the science says it is ok or not, public opinion plays a big part and in this case I am with majority opinion. I don't want to see our farmland put at risk (no matter how small that risk is portrayed to be).

Also, I just want to vent about coal mines while we are on the topic of fucking up water tables and farmland. FUCK COAL MINES, ESPECIALLY IN THE VICINITY OF PRIME AGRICULTURAL LAND.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:

--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on July 12, 2015, 05:09:39 PM ---I can't believe all the bullshit that you hear the right say about Obama and there is traction behind Trump. That motherfucker is a corrupt swindling piece of dookie and the conservative right apparently thinks that's okay in favor of the Regan team to re-empower the white man.

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Trump and the people who support him deserve each other.


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