The Street > The Lounge

Discussion: US 2016 Elections

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Narcoleptic Insomniac:
I don't know. In my mind the only people who could be down with Trump are racists and dumb bigots scared of someone coming to take their guns and confederate flags or the US army invading Texas or having someone any shade darker than ivory moving in next door.

sanders for sure... even tho it will hardly concern me at all and i am not allowed to vote i the states this guy seems to be a really smart choice


--- Quote from: Narcoleptic Insomniac on July 23, 2015, 12:03:57 PM ---the only people who could be down with Trump are racists and dumb bigots scared of someone coming to take their guns and confederate flags

--- End quote ---
are you insane? You understand people ARE trying very hard to take guns, right? That they HAVE banned/shamed the flag and people ARE being assaulted/robbed/murdered over it (by extreme racists, no less) ? 

being afraid of those things is dumb/racist/bigoted... how?

Let's just revolt.

Banned/shamed a flag with deep roots in slavery and racism? You poor souls.

Seeing the American elections makes me realise how relative political scales are - what is being touted as leftist socialist whatever in America would be considered centre-right in the UK and Europe.


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