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Discussion: US 2016 Elections

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Narcoleptic Insomniac:
Sanders is the only one I would realistically consider voting for.

Is there a law saying that the president have to be christian? This has always confused me.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
There's no law requiring the president to be of any religion.


--- Quote from: Narcoleptic Insomniac on July 01, 2015, 08:55:31 AM ---Sanders is the only one I would realistically consider voting for.

--- End quote ---

Vote for him in the primaries! He just packed a crowd of 10,000 in a 300,000 population town in Wisconsin. No one else has come close to that yet. His name is getting out there. He has a slim shot of making it through the primaries, but it gets better and better as more people hear about him.

If the young and other disenfranchised voters can make an appearance in the primaries, he has a good chance. Sadly, our generation currently sucks at voting.

--- Quote from: JFax on July 02, 2015, 07:02:15 AM ---Is there a law saying that the president have to be christian? This has always confused me.

--- End quote ---

No, but many people in the US would never even consider voting for someone who is not Christian. Below are the results of a recent Gallup poll.

Since Bernie is a socialist, this makes me sad.

Wow. Im amazed how far down the list an atheist comes. It amazed me how religious the us can be.

That being said I would probably vote against religeous politicians in favor for atheist if there ever were any outspoken religeous people here


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