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Discussion: US 2016 Elections

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--- Quote from: Allah on July 24, 2015, 11:18:23 AM ---
--- Quote from: Kinchy on July 23, 2015, 06:08:59 PM ---
--- Quote from: Allah on July 23, 2015, 04:27:47 PM ---Corbyn 4 prez!

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This gem got lost in the madness. Corbyn is awesome, the US would probably think he is speaking a different language though seeing as they perceive Obama as left wing

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For real, although I fear middle England would agree. Amazing and depressing that neoliberalism is now so entrenched that the moderate left wing views of yesteryear are now perceived as hardcore socialism.

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I'm thinking about joining the Labour party to vote for him, only costs a few quid. I reckon he could put some needed pressure on Cameron


--- Quote from: alaskun on July 22, 2015, 01:25:56 AM --- I don't trust the guy at all, don't want a celebrity for president, and I reaaally don't like some of his opinions, but what specifically do you think is wrong with what he's (Trump) saying?

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I can think of a few things. (Note: He does also say things that are occasionally sane and good ideas, but he is honestly just riding the wave of popularity. My guess is he is either 1) attempting to make the other republican candidates look less crazy or 2) alienate voters from republicans to give the democrats the upper hand. It is hard to say since he has switched voting affiliations several times over the years)

* The people coming here from Mexico are rapists/drug dealers/criminals (link)

* He claims he will be the greatest jobs president ever created by God (link)

* He will build a "great wall of Mexico," to be paid for by Mexico, and it will be "inexpensive" (link)

* He claims that having a black president has lead to riots (link)

* Talked shit about McCain, who spent 5 years as a POA when he could have left after 1 week because he refused to violate a code of honor and leave his fellow airmen behind (his family had the power to pull him out, he refused)

* He is pro-life (maybe not a negative to some . . .) but he switched from pro-choice in 2011, which conveniently put him at odds to ObamaCare abortion funding. He wants to repeal ObamaCare, due to its expensiveness and high deductibles, which is fine and a good idea if there was another system in place (expanded Medicare, cough cough), but there is not.

* He was opposed to providing benefits to gay couples

* He has said a 0% tax on corporations would increase jobs (because trickle-down works so well. . .). He thinks a high corporate tax rate will move jobs overseas (probably right) but he also wants to implement a 35% import tax, so . . . 

* He wants to cut the Dept. of Education way down and remove teacher unions (which makes total sense when you look at how much teachers are paid and the quality of the US education system. . .)

* He thinks climate change is a hoax

* He thinks China is our enemy, and that only Trump can beat China since he has been fucking them on trade deals for a while (I agree that we depend too much on cheap Chinese goods but to declare them the enemy???).

* He wants to send American troops overseas to battle ISIS. He also thinks one of the biggest blunders of the US is not seizing all the oil in the middle east when we were over there, but also claims we should not have attacked Iraq

Expanding on the point you said, a large reason the corporate tax is being called out is due to the fact that the working class is subsidizing some of the biggest companies out there right now through providing food stamps, Medicaid and other assistance to people that work for companies that aren't paying their employees a living wage(Wal-Mart comes to mind). And to those people that argue that service jobs are meant to be stepping stones and not a career, I would ask why CEO pay has rapidly increased while the average workers pay hasn't even kept up with inflation. The greatest economic drive is labor, so why do we continue to pass legislation that punishes it?


Prodigal Son:
I was typing shit to my old neighbor on Facebook about fucking Trump being well represented in the polls. I asked how the hell do you feel represented in the polls by a billionaire? Fucking guy isn't in the streets with the average New Yorker. I tried to explain him being an elitist but all the RWNJs wanted to say was Reed, Pelosi, etc 'were elitists who send their children to private schools, bend the constitution, and think the rule of law doesn't apply to them.' Fuck man! If you don't think this dude isn't that person you're fooling yourself.


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