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Discussion: US 2016 Elections

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Prodigal Son:

Trump's plan for ISIS is what we all accused Bush for instigating Iraq. 'Send lives in and the USA will take their oil. They won't have money to continue operations. Boom! Okay?'

Narcoleptic Insomniac:

--- Quote from: condrbkr on August 10, 2015, 06:34:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: Narcoleptic Insomniac on August 10, 2015, 05:57:46 PM ---
You're saying that it wouldn't be too bad to put an egomaniac sociopath in charge of the most lethal fighting force the world has ever seen including enough nukes to end life on earth, the most influential diplomatic apparatus in the world and the largest world economy in size and impact.

The dude is incapable of empathy and can't relate whatsoever to how normal people live. It's probably reasonable to assume he's filled with nothing but contempt for us. He's constantly talking out of his ass and then he's too gutless to admit he's wrong, let alone apologize, regardless of how absurd, offensive or delusional his comments are. You say he has guts because he's confrontational, rude and unapologetic but his behavior is not fueled courage at all. It's fueled by an ego bigger than any of us could ever imagine, bigger than America.

Concepts like Nation or Country mean nothing to him because in Trump's mind he transcends those ideas. He sees himself as a supranational entity. Nothing is bigger than himself.

If Trump was inexplicably elected president it would be a disaster of apocalyptic proportions. The political, economic, social, and environmental devastation would be unprecedented.

--- End quote ---

This kind of thinking is what's wrong with the political system. 'Apocalypitc', 'egomanic sociopath', 'seeing himself as a supranational entity', these are all words used by extremists which isn't what democracy is about.

People hate on Trump, he's an asshole, he's a billionaire, he's shameless, he's so fucking American its sickening... but thats all qualities that could help things get done. There is not an alternative candidate out there outside of Bernie Sanders(i'll get to him in a second) that you know has the will to change the system and thats why him and Trump are the only names people really care about. The difference him and Bernie is that Trump can work systems incredibly well, hell he got to a point where people are scared he's running for office. A lot of his charade acts are just him pandering to the market that will be most likely voting for him and you know what as terrible as it sounds that what it takes sometimes.

I love me some Bernie but hes too noble. He's inflexible, his ideas are too strong for this time. His presidency will be absolutely fruitless cause no one is gonna back him on anything. He even admits this and says that he needs people to actively help him out if he wins, guess what people suck.

Thats why I lean towards Trump. He's a bit tyranical in his ways but somewhere I truly truly hope that there is a side to him where he means well He just comes off as a 'the end justifies the means' type.

--- End quote ---

Ok, I give you that I might have taken some rhetorical liberties with my adjectives but I still feel they are mostly accurate and I stand by my point which is that Trump in totally unqualified for the position.

I don't know dude, I don't think a 'the end justifies the means' type is what you want in an office where he might find himself facing profound ethical dilemmas involving the lives of millions. At some point tough decisions may need to be made and you want the person making them to struggle with them, not just take them lightly because he's a not-give-a-fuck kind of guy. I just don't see Trump as a man with integrity.

trump would absolutely destroy the american middle class. he has no regard for the regular working people of this country whatsoever.

edit: no way bernie can lose now.

If you think for one second that Trump is going to rule America for Americans, you're a flat out moron.

Sounds similar to the Nigel Farage mania that happened a few months before the UK elections.
He didn't even win his own constituency in the end.

Trump is great entertainment now, but when it comes down to it nearer the time a real politician will beat him


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