The Street > The Lounge

Discussion: US 2016 Elections

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condrbkr, you might want to check out this podcast. Dan Carlin shares some of your opinions about him being an outsider and that being a good thing. I can't remember if he says anything about the guy's policies (I am desperately afraid this guy has a chance to do anything besides disrupting the republican party) but it's pretty interesting stuff regardless:

Prodigal Son:
I listened to that the other day. The be "at 11 to set yourself apart from the GOP then at election appear more moderate" never occurred to me.


Sometimes the biggest asshole is the biggest softy in the inside... but sometimes they're a sociopath.

I hear trump will give the native's their land back if you vote for him.

There was a emperor who recently conquered the lands. As he was going on tour to view his newly acquired kingdom he was met with the cheers of citizens all over. He was applauded everywhere he went but only stopped once whe he saw an old man working his field. His bodyguards took this as a sign of dissent against the new emperor and arrested the old man and brought him in. The emperor asks the man 'Are you not happy that I am the new Emperor?', 'I have come relieve you of your peasant life'. The old man simply replied 'I have seen many Emperors come and go and they always promise the same, pardon me I have to get my field ready for I don't know if I'll have enough for me when you come and take your share'. Vote Libertarian.


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