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Discussion: US 2016 Elections

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Haterzzz. Seriously it doesn't matter who gets elected really but I just like that Trump seems to have some backbone. Trump is a don.

Prodigal Son:
While I think the electoral college nullifies a popular vote, there are some aspects a representative takes on.

I think Trump vs. Sanders would be awesome. Having no multi-million dollar backed career politicians fighting for big money would be great. Sanders doesn't want or like big money, Trump is big money and doesn't give a fuck.

I'd also like it if it was Sanders (democrat), anyone (republican) and Trump (independent). Trump would take away so many republican votes.


--- Quote from: U-238 on August 23, 2015, 03:03:07 PM ---I think Trump vs. Sanders would be awesome. Having no multi-million dollar backed career politicians fighting for big money would be great. Sanders doesn't want or like big money, Trump is big money and doesn't give a fuck.

--- End quote ---

this is like saying "i wish i could vote for the koch brothers". trump is the billionaire backing the politicians. why would you want him to be in charge?


--- Quote from: condrbkr on August 23, 2015, 02:41:15 AM ---I just like that Trump seems to have some backbone. Trump is a don.

--- End quote ---

He's got a backbone because he's up there spouting out crap that is in his own best interest so of course he's going to say it with more conviction than a political puppet. He also is in a win win situation, because even if he doesn't become candidate, he's got the publicity. He could say literally anything.


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